Thursday, June 9, 2011

Survived ACDF

Well friends - my neck surgery went well. There were a few issues - surgery was delayed several hours, so my brother and son left me alone and went and did guy stuff. The OR nurse was to call him once I went in to the OR, then was supposed to call him back once I was in recovery. I don't know if he got the call or just showed up back in time - but he was plenty pissed my Neurosurgeon was not there to tell him how it went like he had said he would. This was due to an emergency surgery he had to do. Anyway - he showed up after that case was done and my family had left - it had been a long day - but he was kind enough to call my brother and give him the low-down... I thought that was pretty cool of him, and not something he HAD to do. Appreciate my MD! There are some funny moments throughout the surgery - but that's a whole other post and I am probably breaking some rule lap-topping 3 days post-op... More to come...


  1. I'm so glad everything went well! You'll probably feel great in no time!

  2. Good for you! Hope you are up to lap topping again soon. I know I am one you haven't been able to comment to. I wonder what blog guru there might be who can figure that out?

    1. Nothing like a whole year gone by for me to reply, but I hope you are well and will still read when I get back to being a blogger! Blessings...
